All art and programming are done by me, Ben Rowland using pixilart and Godot game engine, respectively. Audio is courtesy of freesound. Made for Rune's First Game Jam.

The only thing standing between the endless stream of monsters and your mortal soul is your rune tracing table. Draw the correct runes to build protective layers between yourself and annihilation. Face off against several monster types, with the selection changing each day.

Doom will eventually reach you, as each wave of monsters comes with progressively harder choices to make. Can you afford more monsters, or will you take the chance that you will be faster than them?

This game was a challenge to make, since I wanted to use Godot for the first real project and I needed to use mobile controls on an HTML game (Rune format). I ended up trying to keep the controls simple while giving the gameplay a larger diversity than I normally would to make Rune's daily challenges more interesting. The screen space was an interesting constraint to plan around, since mobile displays are smaller than PC, so use of space was important. There are areas of the screen that are currently unused, that I plan to go back to update and fill in with helpful information. In the end, the gameplay relies more heavily on monster knowledge than I had hoped, both in part to screen space and lack of my additional elements, but that encourages a few replays in order to learn the starting monster patterns to have a better chance at going further.

Update: Coming back to the game, I weighed different types of feedback I received from a variety of sources. Ultimately, I decided against adding additional elements of gameplay, as they partially went against the initial design constraints I set out with. Instead, I worked on refining what was already present and added both audio and visual juice to the existing game. I also worked to partially streamline gameplay and improve readability without removing any player choice or any existing features in the game.

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