A downloadable game

Dark Reflections began as a project to learn Unreal Engine 5 through the use of blueprints. I also wanted to explore some unconventional character movement schemes in preparation for an upcoming project, Connection Beyond Time.

From the outset, I relied on UE5's default character controller, models, and textures to supply the basics of what I needed to start. Since the core feature of the game would be the reflected character and the reflection mechanic, I started with implementing the character controller to ensure that I would be able to get the mechanic working in the manner that I wanted it to. From there, the level design evolved from the mechanics I implemented, which is reflected in the progression of complexity that the first two levels show.

The Lighthouse (level 3) was designed as a more atmospheric level in addition to it being the pinnacle of challenges. It utilizes all the previous mechanics as the player ascends, introducing one new one, and ending with a dramatic drop. This level needed the most iteration due to the different design format. Ultimately, a few floors needed to be scrapped and some additional guidance added to help the players navigate the vertical maze.

As I learned more of UE5, I began expanding on the quality of each level, working in lighting, sound effects, UI, and narrative elements into the game. Ultimately, the experience met and exceeded my intentions for it, and I was able to learn a lot about UE5's development process and engine. I'm proud of the work I have done here, and I hope that you give it a try.

Originally, this was supposed to be a throw-away project to introduce me to UE5, but through support of my peers at USCS's Silicon Valley campus as well as supportive individuals who tried it out at our Indie Game Nights, I've come to realize the potential of this project. The feedback I have received has helped expand this into a complexly simple platformer with some novel mechanics that can provide and engaging challenge for players in a relatively small amount of time.

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